Laser engraving, tu, vuam thiab cim tshuab

Tau txais cov lus tsocailub dav hlau
Kev Lag Luam Automotive

Lub zog txhim kho ntawm lub tsheb kev lag luam tau kis rau txhua lub tsev thiab nws tau tsav txoj kev txhim kho ntawm cov tsheb sib txuam. Of course, the application technology of automobiles is also improving. For example, marking technology has played a great role in the production process.

The dot peen marking system is ideal for marking automotive parts. Nws tuaj yeem siv tau rau cov tshuab, pistons, lub cev, thav duab, txuas hniav thooj caj dab, sib txuas ntawm cov tsheb thiab cov maus taus.


Laser khij yog ruaj khov, thiab sib piv yog ib txwm muaj siab. Cov feem ntau dav siv laser yog qhov chaw infrared-fiber ntau,, nrog hwj chim txij li 20W txog 100W. CHUKE laser marker can be equipped with a vision system if there is requirement.

Pom zoo Acrylic Engraving Tshuab
